Ghost Poro is a great choice instead of Eyeball Collection if you aren't going to be getting many kills early on. a super squishy team where you open with Shadow Surge for the extra magic penetration to pop squishies fast and get that reset. With Cheap Shot, you will always apply damage after Doom 'n Gloom's fear passive, and I would take it if I'm vs a kitey/tanky team where I want to spam my abilities as much as possible. Phase Rush is great if you're into a lot of melee champions that you won't be able to oneshot, and that you need to kite out because if they get on top of you you just die (such as Olaf), as Vex has no mobility outside of her ultimate Shadow Surge.ĭomination: you can substitute Taste of Blood with the others runes on the same row. Electrocute is the stronger rune early on, and she also procs it very easily, so if you're not confident on getting a lot of stacks in a game, Electrocute is the better option. While Dark Harvest is a really good rune on Vex, it's weaker early game. Keystones: You can also choose between Phase Rush or Electrocute. If you do take this summoner, make sure to go Cosmic Insight and Ionian Boots of Lucidity to further reduce this cooldown massively. You want to be able to match base timings and follow their Teleport with yours. Take this when you're in a stalemate ranged AP matchup where they more and likely will have Teleport as well. Keep in mind you do not have to take Cleanse versus only one champion that has CC, but if it's the enemy jungler or mid laner that has it along with it being unavoidable or easy to land, I highly recommend getting used to Cleanse and taking it. Rammus and Sejuani, mid laners such as Twisted Fate and Veigar, supports like Morgana or Braum, tanks such as Shen or Maokai, or marksmen such as Varus or Ashe. Take this when the enemy team has very devastating CC that you need to stay safe from, especially from junglers like Elise. assassin lanes such as Zed or Talon, or in an overall game where so much burst exists on their team. Ignite as it doesn't cut half the shielding power - you definitely want to be running this vs. It's a whole MINUTE cooldown shorter than Heal, it protects you against more damage, and it is better vs.

This rune is the best selfish choice to keep yourself safe. While Vex already has huge damage, this rune makes you a dangerous threat really early in the game too, allowing you to start snowballing and killing people as early as level 2. This is a really good summoner for helping you get that extra gold towards your first few items to completely take over the game, and great for roaming to kill bot lane as they will always have a Heal. I also have the highest rated Zoe, Ahri and Aurelion Sol guides on the site too if you guys wanted to learn these champions!

I have been waiting for her for a long time, since she was teased as the Yordle artillery mage (then changed to burst) and have been extremely excited for her! I've been constantly playing her on PBE learning as much as I can about her to make this guide, I hope you guys are excited as I am and hope this guide helps you! She has mostly skill-shots, but her abilities aren't overwhelming. With most champions released in League nowadays having extremely loaded kits and long ability descriptions (looking at you, Akshan, with your E having more text than Nasus' entire kit.), Vex gives us a kit which is not overly complicated, while also not being overly simple. Mages have had an extremely tough time in season 11, with no changes in sight until at least pre-season, so Vex is a breath of fresh air.

With a huge increase of the amount of mobility in the game, with seemingly no answer to it, Vex has been a godsend for mage players. Vex is League's newest release, the first traditional control mage since Neeko 3 years ago, and the last yordle before her was Kled, 5 years ago, Vex brings something we've wanted in League for a long time.